Fiamm Roadmaster Horns - Not quite as simple as first observed!

Fabbrica Italiana Accumulatori Motocarri Montecchio SpA
Street: Viale Europa 63     City: Montecchio Maggiore      Postal Code: 36075     Country: IT
    History - FIAMM Group, a family owned enterprise, was created in 1942, serving the Italian government with the production of Electric Utility Vehicles. FIAMM Group is headquartered in Montecchio Maggiore, Italy, about 40 Km south west of Venice, and about 240 Km east of Milano. FIAMM has developed into the largest horn manufacturer in the world, and a recognized leader in Lead Acid Battery technology, both for the automotive and Industrial industries. FIAMM has also gained a substantial position in the Automotive, Telecomm, and GPS Antenna markets with the acquistition of MAG, a market leading French firm.  Among its historical milestones, is the beginning of acoustic horn production in the USA during the 1950’s. During the 60’s and 70’s FIAMM expanded the sales of automotive batteries that powered many racing cars in Italy and abroad, including the Ferrari at Daytona is the US. In the 70’s the Group also expanded into the new markets of industrial batteries. This was to form the core of a division that now supplies global telecommunications and computer markets with back up batteries as well as batteries for the European forklift truck market. The 1990’s were a decade of major expansion. The Group acquired the French manufacturing Group, Klaxon, rewarded for making acoustic automotive horns; in 1992 the Austrian battery manufacturing group, Baeren, and in 1998 the Akuma Group in the Czech Republic and in 1999 the Italian Uranio Group, both of which made automotive batteries for local and European markets. In 1999 the Group also acquired the British Industrial Battery Company IBS as well, based in Wellingborough, UK.
    Product locations -  It operates 12 plants in Europe and the Americas and supply customers in more than 150 countries.  FTI Cadillac is the principal horn manufacturing plant for FIAMM in North and South America. The Cadillac plant produces approximately 60,000 horns a day.
    Nine consecutive years, FIAMM has received the “supplier of the year” award from General Motors. FIAMM takes special pride in this achievement, considering that the award came from the world’s first producer of automobiles, not to mention one of FIAMM’s most important clients.

I.G.M. = Ispettorato Generale Motorizzazione Civile e Trasporti in Concessione (changed in 1967 to D.G.M.)

AGRÉÉ  T.P.A.R. = Agréé Travaux Publics Avertisseur Route - link

D.G.M. = Direzione Generale Motorizzazione = Direzione Generale della Motorizzazione Civile e dei Trasporti in Concessione
It is the intent of this webpage to be an ongoing revision for the use of Lamborghini, Ferrari, Maserati, Alfa, ISO, and many other 1950 thru 1980 applications and maybe beyond.
Please contact - with information or corrections.

literature ref



note - black compressor, light color trumpet bases

MC/1  12V, black compressor, stud for green plastic oil port cover, stamping is 112 which indicates 1961 in the 12 month. raised text on top is not clear in this photo - MADE IN ITALY, IGM 0691A KA    



late 60's

70's -80's