Replacement of Girling brake servos with PBR brake servos PBR = Patons Brake Replacement, Melbourne, Australia |
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Hi Group,After fighting with the Girling boosters in my Lamborghini GT 400 2+2 for several
decades, I finally decided it was time to try something different. I
bought a pair of Australian-made PBR boosters VH40, model 2 from VLGer Robert Kirk
(kirkbrit). The servos or boosters are 9" diameter with details at - After removing the original Girling brake servos , I cut out the original brackets from the floor plate, ground downs the high spots, and cleaned the area. I fabricated a set of brackets for the PBR units out of readily available 1/8 inch flat stock (see photos). Then I mounted them on an 18"x6" by 1/16" plate (again, see photo). I placed the whole assembly into the fender well and secured the booster plate to the existing floor plate. I was able to re-use the two input lines as they were. I had to make a pair of extensions for the output lines but that was pretty easy work. The fit was good with room to spare. I bled out the system (the new boosters have built-in bleed screws; a nice touch) and after checking everything in the garage, I took the car for a test drive this morning. My impression is that the brakes feel pretty much like they did when the Girling units were at 100% and working properly. I sense there might be a small increase in the boost, but it is not all that noticable. But now I have boosters using modern technology and materials that will hopefully, last a long time. If there is enough interest, I will write up a short replacement procedure. I took a lot of pictures and recorded dimensions of all the pieces. Cheers and Happy Braking, Jack |